Is DEPRESSION tightening its grip on you?
Has SOCIAL ISOLATION caused you to withdraw into yourself even more?

Do you find the usual ways you lift your spirits just aren't working now?

Depression is insidious. One day you are enjoying life and the next it seems you just can't get out of bed. You know you "should" call someone, that you "should" eat something, that you "should" get on with your day, but somehow the thought of even turning on the light by your bed seems overwhelming.

I know how you feel. I've spent many days and months in depression. I've thought that feeling would never end. I thought hope was just a fantasy, or was for others, not for me. 

I tried therapy, I tried prayer, I tried talking to others. Nothing seemed to work. Until I learned a secret.

Depression is not just in your mind. It's not just a chemical imbalance. It's not just "faulty" wiring in your brain. It's a problem not only of the mind, but also of the body, and is a problem of the spirit.

Which is good news. Because once you know that, you take back the power depression has tried to take from you. You begin to learn to attack depression from a spiritual, a physical, and a mindset perspective.

I want to share the solution I found with you. It's based in science and based in scripture. 

You hold the keys to restore your joy. Let me show you how to use them.
"Be transformed by the renewing of your mind"
Romans 12:2 NIV
A life of joy awaits...I know...because I have learned how to live it.

No longer does depression control me or keep me from fulfilling the calling on my life. 

Now I use my knowledge of neuroscience AND scripture to take hold of sadness before it ever has a chance to set in.

I have a course, that I just released, where I share my secrets.

In this course I'm going to teach you....
  • The science behind how depression affects your spirit, your mind, and your body: Depression starts as an attack on your spirit, begins to affect your thoughts, and then changes the physical structure of your brain
  • Specific strategies to remove what is toxic and to add what is healthy : Overcoming depression requires removing toxins from your body, mind, and spirit. To restore joy, you must then fill yourself back up with what is healthy and nourishing. Learn my specific strategies, based in neuroscience,  to achieve this. 
  • A powerful technique, based in science and in scripture to help you take control of your emotions quickly and fully so you will never be chained by depression again
Order this powerful video course today
Course released April 2020
Enter your name and email below for information about how to order my course!